
Why EMV?

The migration to EMV technology in the U.S. will help:

  • Ensure that only the rightful card owner can use the chip card, protecting against lost or stolen card fraud
  • Protect data on the chip against unauthorized changes, protecting against counterfeit fraud
  • Enable U.S. cardholders to use their secure chip payment cards anywhere in the world

Timing for EMV in the U.S.?

Chip–based EMV payments are coming to the United States. Starting in 2011, the four major payment brands introduced their roadmaps for EMV technology and encourage its adoption. In April 2013, the first domestic milestone required processors like SLIM CD to accept EMV–based payments from merchants. October 2015 will mark the next major milestone where the fraud liability shift for all point of sale devices (except Automated Fuel Dispensers) will take effect. Liability shifts for Automated Fuel Dispensers begins in 2017.