Test Accounts

Thank you for evaluating the Slim CD Gateway!

You do not need to set up a new account. A complete set of test accounts has been created for you. All test accounts are on the SLIM CD Production Server at:

The following accounts can be used with SLIM CD’s desktop software products and SLIM CD’s website.

To use the test accounts with SLIMCD’s website and check your transactions, simply go to http://www.slimcd.com and log in with the CLIENTID and PASSWORD provided below.

To use the Slim CD POS Software with one of the above test accounts, install and start the Slim CD software (TRANSCLIENT.EXE). The following screen will appear.

transclient login

Enter the User Name of “ADMIN”, as shown above. Then you can use any of the clientid and passwords listed on the table of test accounts. Each account will show the features of a specific type of merchant interface in our software (the differences are often quite subtle). Also view our website’s virtual terminals for more ideas on how we have implemented various credit card techniques.

To get the full benefit of the software, you may wish to use a keyboard or USB card-swipe device.

TSYS test accounts

Business Type Client ID Site ID Price ID Key Password
Retail 1032 228226448 74 SVD-072-5QQ6-5K58 289075
Restaurant 1033 910590174 75 SVD-483-TLT5-RTFS 239807
Mail Order / Direct Marketing 1034 930098895 76 SVD-483-TLT5-RTFS 234980
e-Commerce 1035 655877458 77 SVD-491-QMFQ-WU89 234980e
Hotel 1036 500664807 78 SVD-469-SQS8-SADC 234980
Auto Rental 1162 997359810 237 SVD-424-KR5Y-Y6H8 234980t
  • Please note that you can use these test accounts to verify credit, debit, check and gift cards. Different accounts are associated with different processors.
  • Accounts 1032-1036 and 1162 above are on TSYS’s test host.
  • CARDNUMBERS: For accounts 1032-1036 and 1162, you may use any cardnumber that passes the LUHN MOD-10 check.
  • APPROVALS: Amounts from $0.01 – $1.99 may produce different DECLINE messages. To obtain approvals, use amounts from $2.00 up, but less than $1000.
  • CVV2: For any VISA (card beginning with a 4), use 999.
    For MasterCard (cards beginning with a 5), use 998
    For AMEX cards, use 9997
    For Discover cards, use 996

VANTIV/53 test account

Business Type Client ID Site ID Price ID Key Password
Retail 6373 559818480 8900 SCD-395-4J7G-42XG test123

Vantiv test host – Credit Card Numbers

Type Swipe Manual
Visa 4445222299990007 4417122900000002
AMEX 341111597242000 340123456789014
Discover 6011000990911111 6011000990911111
Full set of Discover Card BINS 3059990000000022, 3566007770019474, 36259600000004, 3899990000000026, 6221260004598744, 6250940045822542, 6288002323842381, 6499999900055789
Vantiv test host – Gift Card Number 5858836401000004

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Slim CD’s support lines at any time. Processing support is available 24 hours, developer support during office hours.