To Encrypt or not to Encrypt?

  • EMV does not need to encrypt cardnumbers because it’s authenticating their use
  • Not all systems (ecommerce) support EMV, and the USA has many legacy systems that need cardnumbers
  • PCI has already caused encryption of “data at rest”, and everyone has already done that or moved their data to a hosted solution
  • EMV hardware is now starting to encrypt just to accommodate existing mixed-model rollouts in the USA.
  • EMV is expensive to implement for a string infrastructure like USA.

Mobile – What’s up?

  • EMV chips and SIM cards are the SAME TECHNOLOGY!
  • EMV is supposed to make your phone a better wallet.
  • What about mobile security
  • New guidelines emerging that may be PCI-like all over again
  • New programs are different between VISA, MC, etc

NFC – How does it fit?

  • NFC is a communication protocol.
  • Regular mag stripe cards can be NFC-enabled
  • EMV will use NFC to have “contactless”
  • NFC (or low emission Bluetooth?) will allow communication to the EMV chip to authenticate

Mobile, etc – What could go wrong?

  • AT&T, etc own the SIM
  • They want to charge the issuers $$ to send data to THEIR chip
  • MasterCard has announced a “new idea” that does not need EMV
  • Visa allows barcodes to appear on phones that don’t need EMV
  • LoopPay device can broadcast your cardnumber to any reader without NFC, EMV or BlueTooth.
  • The world changes fast in our competitive market, especially when a rollout like EMV is so expensive and difficult to implement.