Direct API Connections

These web services provide you with direct access from your client or server to the SLIM CD system. You completely control credit card processing by passing card numbers or magnetic stripe data to SLIMCD.COM. Responses are returned in real-time, signatures or images can be stored/retrieved and a variety of reports can be pulled. Developers that send credit card data using these features are “in scope” for PCI. Developers that use other methods of sending card numbers to SLIM CD can use the remaining features of the Direct API calls to perform refunds, repeat/recurring billing, and pull reports without being considered in-scope for PCI.

SLIM CD Web Services

  • HTTP POST name/value pairs
  • JSON

All RESTful web service calls return data in the format indicated above (XML, Name/value pairs, or JSON)

SLIM CD Libraries

  • JavaScript/JSON
  • DotNet 2, 3, 4 (Windows 95-Windows 7)
  • DotNet 4.5 (Windows 8 & Windows 8 Phone)
  • IOS (iPhone)
  • Java (Android)

All web service calls (transactions, reports, images) are supported. All return data is provided as objects.

Input Formats Supported

  • HTTP Post – HTTP Protocol Name/Value pairs. Example: first_name=John&last_name=Smith
  • Soap/XML – XML document of fields and values. Example: <first_name>John</first_name>
  • JSON – JSON document of fields and values. Example: “first_name” : “John” }
  • COM Object – Properties and methods to set field values. example: obj.first_name=”John”
  • Class Library Object – Properties and methods to set field values. example: request.first_name”John”

SLIM CD accepts keyed cardholder data, swiped track data, encrypted track data. PIN data and customer data. SLIM CD also accepts industry-specific data, such as tip (Restaurant), RX (Flex Cards), room rate (Hotel), destination city (Auto Rental), etc. All Slim CD field names are consistent, regardless of input format selected!

Output Formats Supported

  • HTTP Post – HTTP Protocol Name/Value pairs. Example: approved=Y&authcode=123456
  • Soap/XML – XML document of fields and values. Example: <approved>Y</approved>
  • JSON/Callback – JSON document returned to a callback function. Example: { “approved” : “Y” }
  • COM Object – Properties and methods to set field values. Example: if Obj.approved =”Y” then print “Approved!”
  • Class Library Object – Class properties set to field values. Example: if(reply.approved ==”Y”) MsgBox(“Approved!”)

SLIM CD returns the approval indicator, authorization code, corporate card indicator, AVS response, CVV2 response, approved amount (for partial approvals), balance (for prepaid cards & gift cards), decline reason, and SLIM CD Ticket # (aka Token). Data is automatically returned in a format that matches the input.