API Access Credentials
a. Are at the CLIENTID or CLIENTID/SITEID level, and are restricted accordingly.
b. Created on the SLIM CD website by a user with authority to do so.
c. Can only call SLIM CD API functions, and cannntegrated ot be used to log into a the SLIMCD.COM webbsite,
d. Requiires no password (password should be set to blank)
e. Can be restricted to specific web service calls or transaction types
- Log into SLIMCD.COM (you can use our TEST account… clientid=1032, password=289075)
- Click on CONFIG at the top of the screen
- Click on PRIVATE (because you want to be able to do more things)
- Check the checkboxes for the functions you wish to be able to perform (LOAD, SALE, etc)
- Click on SUBMIT. You will get an API ACCESS CREDENTIAL.
- You can specify a SITEID to restrict the credential to a specific site (recommended)
- You can restrict to IP address, etc (not recommended at this point)
- To use the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL, change your calls:
- If you use PostXML, you are sending “clientid=&siteid=&priceid=&password=&product=&ver=&key=&xmldata=”.
i. Set the password to empty. Put a tag called <username> in the XMLData and set it to the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL.
ii. Change PostXML to ProcessTransaction. Add a username with the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL. Leave the password empty. Move all of the remaining http tags (clientid, etc) into the XML except for password.
- If you are use PostHTTP, set the password to blank and add a field called &username=. Set it to the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL
- If you are using ProcessTransaction, set the UserName to the API Access Credential and set the password to empty
If the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL specifies a SITEID and PRICEID, you must either:
- Send the same SITEID and PRICIED
- Send 0 as the SITEID and PRICEID so the values from the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL can be used.