API Access Credentials

 a. Are at the CLIENTID or CLIENTID/SITEID level, and are restricted accordingly.

b. Created on the SLIM CD website by a user with authority to do so.

c. Can only call SLIM CD API functions, and cannntegrated ot be used to log into a the SLIMCD.COM webbsite,

d. Requiires no password (password should be set to blank)

e. Can be restricted to specific web service calls or transaction types


  1. Log into SLIMCD.COM (you can use our TEST account… clientid=1032, password=289075)
  2. Click on CONFIG at the top of the screen
  4. Click on CREATE NEW TOKEN
  5. Click on PRIVATE (because you want to be able to do more things)
  6. Check the checkboxes for the functions you wish to be able to perform (LOAD, SALE, etc)
  7. Click on SUBMIT. You will get an API ACCESS CREDENTIAL.


  1. You can specify a SITEID to restrict the credential to a specific site (recommended)
  2. You can restrict to IP address, etc (not recommended at this point)
  3. To use the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL, change your calls:
  4. If you use PostXML, you are sending “clientid=&siteid=&priceid=&password=&product=&ver=&key=&xmldata=”.

i.      Set the password to empty. Put a tag called <username> in the XMLData and set it to the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL.


ii.      Change PostXML to ProcessTransaction. Add a username with the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL. Leave the password empty. Move all of the remaining http tags (clientid, etc) into the XML except for password.

  1. If you are use PostHTTP, set the password to blank and add a field called &username=. Set it to the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL
  2. If you are using ProcessTransaction, set the UserName to the API Access Credential and set the password to empty

If the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL specifies a SITEID and PRICEID, you must either:

  1. Send the same SITEID and PRICIED


  1. Send 0 as the SITEID and PRICEID so the values from the API ACCESS CREDENTIAL can be used.