Web Service to JSON mapping

Slim CD supports JSON in two ways:

  • SLIM CD’s JavaScript library (slimcd.js) that follows the same naming convention as our other libraries, but calls our JSON services instead of directly calling the web services.
  • SLIM CD’s JSON services – jsonscript.asp and jsonpayment.asp. These JSON services wrap the SLIM CD web services and web resources. The SLIM CD JavaScript library calls the SLIM CD JSON functions.
  • For processing transactions, use the jsonpayment.asp resource. It will return the full payment structure, even on errors.
  • For all other web service calls, use the jsonscript.asp resource. Each web service or resource has a unique name. That name is passed to the jsonscript.asp page as a parameter (service=), identifying the final web service to call.

Below is an example of retrieving JSON format instead of XML for the GetDailySummary report: