Launched Apps Flow

Launched Apps

SLIM CD allows you to launch our apps so that your software is completely removed from touching cardholder data upon input. This means you can get us to accept the payment and return a token to you so you don’t need PA-DSS and the merchant reduces their PCI to a SAQ C-VT.


SLIM CD’s premier product is our desktop software. Your app can launch TransClient and avoid touching cardholder data. You have the option to just capture the card or to capture the card and print receipts. TransClient will monitor a folder for request files, use that data to pre-populate it’s screens, then write the transaction results into an answer file. TransClient uses a special login file so that clerks need not log in for each transaction.

Transaction Flow

The developer creates a login file containing XML that identifies how the app should respond.

This includes information such as:

  • Login Credentials
  • The subfolder to scan for input/output files
  • The extension to use for input and output files
  • The number of copies to print

The developer launches the SLIM CD application.  If the application is already running, it will come to the top so it is visible.

The developer then creates the request file containing such information as:

  • Amount of the transaction
  • Client_transfer (invoice number)
  • Any personal information such as first/last name

The SLIM CD picks up the request file, preloads the information and prompts for input from the clerk.  Once the clerk provides the additional payment details (such as cardnumber) and presses SUBMIT, the payment is processed.

TransClient then writes out the response file containing such information as:

  • Approved/declined
  • Decline Reason
  • Authorization Code
  • SLIM CD Gateid (token)
  • First 6 / Last 4 digits of the card
  • Expiration Date

If a receipt is to be printed, TransClient prints the receipt. TransClient will then minimize itself so that the previous application appears on the screen.  The developer’s software identifies that an answer file is avaialble, reads the answer file and acts accordingly.

The developer’s software can then use the regular SLIM CD API/Library with the GateID to perform Voids, Credits and even new sales without being in-scope for PCI.