
  • Method

    Retrieves a plain-text receipt.

    GetReceipt returns a content-type of text/plain that contains the data for the receipt. If an error occurs, GetReceipt sets the HTTP status code and status text to represent the error. If successful, the status code is set to 200 and the text for the receipt is returned as the body of the response.
    Business Rules

    Link to something

    Argument List

    Name Required Usage
    GetTemporaryTokenRequest Required Object containing properties for the request
    timeout Optional Integer wait time, in seconds, before timeout response is generated
    callback* Optional Function to call upon completion of asynchronous request

    *for JavaScript only


    GetTemporaryToken Request Fields

    Field Name Type Length Required Description
    Username string 20 require Username or API Access Credential that accesses web service.
    Password string 20 require Plaintext password for the client account.
    GateID integer 12 require Gateway ID for previous transaction.

    1. Passwords are required except when the username is set to an API Access Credential, in which case it should be passed in as an empty string.

    Reply Fields

    reply outer tag for the reply data block
    response Success, FAIL, Error
    response code 0, 1, 2 (respective) matching the above
    description If successful, this will contain the single word, OK. Otherwise it will contain a description of failure or error which occurred
    reponseurl The url which was called for this operation
    datablock The confirmation text returned from the server.

    Reply Hierarchy

    • reply
      • response
      • responsecode
      • description
      • responseurl
      • datablock


    • General
      1. Names in name/value pairs are NOT case-sensitive
      2. Names inside XML tags ARE case-sensitive
    • Function-Specific
      1. None
  • Include




    Sample Code


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